The accelerated master’s program for athletic training provides an early assurance option for select incoming first-time freshman. The early assurance program is for first-time freshman who have demonstrated academic excellence in high school and the potential to perform well in the accelerated program. This option requires an initial screening process prior to the student’s first semester at the university.
Students who wish to participate in the early assurance program for the accelerated master’s program in athletic training must meet specific criteria prior to their first official semester at ²Ø¾«¸ó. Applicants must:
- Complete all university application requirements and be accepted into ²Ø¾«¸ó.
- Complete high school with a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
- Declare Exercise Science as their academic major.
- Declare Pre-Athletic Training as their academic minor.
- Complete an interview with faculty from the exercise science and athletic training departments (scheduled by department faculty).
Students who meet the above criteria will receive a letter verifying their placement in the Early Assurance Program. Students will be advised by faculty in the exercise science and athletic training programs and will follow the accelerated master’s program academic degree plan for athletic training.
Students participating in the early assurance program must meet all admission criteria and complete the application process for formal admittance into the athletic training program. This information is provided in the Admission Criteria and Application Process section. This application must be completed and submitted during their 3rd year (application deadline is March 15).
Important Note on Early Assurance Program: Under the early assurance program, students who successfully complete the first three years in the program, complete the program application process, and meet all graduate program requirements will have priority placement but will not be guaranteed acceptance into the graduate program. Each year, the graduate athletic training program will accept a maximum of 20 students. Initial enrollment into the program will always take place during the summer term. Students who participate in the early assurance program and meet all requirements will receive priority placement over other applicants. However, if the number of applicants from the early assurance program exceeds 20 in any given year, the program will use the established selection criteria to make admission decisions. Students participating in the early assurance program and not admitted into the graduate program will retain their priority placement status and can reapply for the following year.