
This policy provides guidance to employees on Election Day.


This policy applies to individuals employed by the University.


²Ø¾«¸ó supports employees in engaging in their civic duties by providing reasonable paid time off to vote. Employees should, whenever possible, vote before or after work hours to avoid interference with university operations. However, if an employee does not have sufficient time outside of work hours to cast their ballot, the employee will be permitted paid time off, up to three hours, to vote on Election Day.

The University may specify the hours during which the employee may take leave to vote. Such time generally will be limited to the beginning or end of a working shift, whichever allows the most time for voting and the least time off from a regular working shift, unless otherwise mutually agreed.

Employees needing time off work to vote should notify their supervisors at least 1 day in advance. This notice will assist administrators in ensuring that office hours are covered.

²Ø¾«¸ó complies with appropriate federal, state, and local laws.  To the extent this policy conflicts with federal, state, or local laws, the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which you work shall control.