Students Rights

  1. A right to pursue an education free from discrimination based upon sex, race, color, cultural background, national origin, religion, political creed, marital status, veteran status, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, disability or age.
  2. A right to fair and impartial academic evaluation.
  3. A right to be free from involuntary disclosure of private information that professors or administrators acquire in the course of their work as advisors, examples include information regarding their gender identity, sexual orientation, health information, personal views, beliefs and political associations.
  4. A right to have the university maintain and protect the private status of all educational records except as directed by appropriate legal authority.
  5. Students, through student representatives, may have a right to participate in formulating and evaluating institutional policies.
  6. A right to organize and join associations to promote interests held in common with others.
  7. A right to peaceful protest on university premises. These protests may not interfere with entrance to and exit from campus facilities, unreasonably disrupt the educational process or damage property.
  8. A right to invite to the campus and hear any persons, or to view films or other media of their own choosing, subject to university requirements regarding reasonable time, place and manner for the use of its facilities.
  9. A right to be interviewed on campus by any graduate or professional school or employer desiring to recruit at the university, subject to the Non-Discrimination Policy and requirements for the use of university facilities.
  10. A press free of any censorship, subject to state, local, and federal laws and university policies.
  11. A right to an environment conducive to intellectual freedom and a campus characterized by safety and order.
  12. A right to a private and fundamentally fair conduct process, as described in the conduct procedures.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Give proper respect to faculty, staff, and others in authority.
  2. Be courteous to fellow students and authorized campus visitors.
  3. Choose your language and speaking volumes with consideration for others.
  4. Wear hats in the classroom only at the discretion of the instructor or professor.
  5. Maintain good grooming and personal hygiene; they are a reflection of your health, attitude, and personality.
  6. Behave appropriately in front of prospective students and guests. Students, prospective students with their
  7. We expect our students to present the best possible image of ²Ø¾«¸ó by keeping the campus attractive and keeping a positive attitude at all times.
  8. A friendly smile with directions for a campus visitor is remembered and highly respected.
  9. If you see any trash on the campus grounds, please pick it up and deposit it in a nearby receptacle. Also, please keep entrances to residence halls and campus buildings free and clear of congestion, litter, and loitering. Your campus is your home, and its beauty is something for you and your visitors to enjoy.
  10. Adhere to all local, state, and federal laws on and off campus. Failure to do so may result in your dismissal from ²Ø¾«¸ó. The Director of Community Standards and Conflict Resolution and/or the Associate Vice President, Student Affairs, Community Equity, and Inclusion may impose interim measures for the duration of the investigative process when a student is arrested on or off campus during a sanctioned or unsanctioned ²Ø¾«¸ó activity. Students are responsible for the administrative tasks described below.