The Community Standards and Conflict Resolution Office is responsible to addressing reports of student misconduct and conduct alleged to violate a University policy, rule, or regulation. This includes off-campus conduct that could reasonably interfere with the campus community, well-being of others, or that adversely affects the ability of another person to participate in or benefit from the University’s programs and/or activities.

As a general matter, the following process will be followed upon receipt of a report. The University may also take other steps if warranted based on the individual circumstances of a situation.

  1. The University will receive and evaluate reports of alleged misconduct and make an initial determination as to whether the information provided – if proven – would be prohibited by the University. If additional information is needed to make this determination, the Director, Community Standards and Conflict Resolution or designee will work to obtain additional information.
  2. The Director, Community Standards and Conflict Resolution or designee will also review the report and determine the appropriate resolution procedures to be applied to the situation;
  3. For reports being handled by the Director, Community Standards and Conflict Resolution, the student(s) who is the subject of the report will be informed of the report and allege misconduct;
  4. Interim measures (depending on the severity of the allegations and potential threat to the campus community and well-being of others) may be implemented while the investigation is ongoing,
  5. The reporting party and accused party (including one advisor/support person of their choice present), shall have the right to meet with the Director, Community Standards and Conflict Resolution or designee to be heard and to present any information they would like to be considered by the University when reaching a conclusion as to whether a University violation occurred.
  6. After obtaining information through an investigation, which includes notice and opportunity to be heard, the Director, Community Standards and Conflict Resolution or designee shall make a decision as to whether or not the investigation supports a finding that a violation of University policy occurred.
  7. The Director, Community Standards and Conflict Resolution or designee will inform parties of the outcome of the investigation and of corresponding sanctions and appeal rights, when applicable.
  8. If the University is pursuing a conduct process, the responding student will be notified. Once the responding student is notified of the complaint, with date and time of their appointment. The student is asked to let the office if they would like to reschedule, the conduct meeting with the Conduct Administrator or designee to discuss the situation.
  9. If the student fails to make contact with the Conduct Administrator within the time frame specified in the notification, and/or does not show up for the designated time the correspondence the Conduct Administrator may make a decision in the student’s absence and send the student the sanction letter.