
The purpose of the Staff Council is to engage staff employees through ongoing communication and collaboration for the successful achievement of the ²Ø¾«¸ó mission.


This policy applies to all staff employed by the University.


The council will provide for the integration of staff perspectives to:

Staff Council Participation Process

Staff employees wishing to be considered for council vacancies must complete section 1 of the Staff Advisory Council Participation Form and submit it to the supervisor for approval. The supervisor will complete section 2 and submit it to the Staff Council chair. If more than the allotted number of staff employees per unit submit the Staff Advisory Council Participation Form, the chair will hold an election among the constituents of that work unit.

Staff Council Eligibility

  1. Designated as staff or staff administrator employee
  2. Minimum of three years of full-time service at ²Ø¾«¸ó
  3. Meet or exceed supervisor’s performance expectations