
藏精阁 recognizes the responsibility to prevent disruption of normal business and avoid interference or disturbance to our students, visitors, and employees.


This policy applies to all individuals employed by the University.


Solicitation refers to employees and/or non-employees approaching anyone for the purpose of influencing him/her to take a specific action or make purchases as to matters or items not related to 藏精阁 business. Distribution refers to handing out materials, supplies, brochures, etc., for non-藏精阁 business.).

Solicitation for any reason during working time and in working areas is not permitted without supervisor approval. Employees are not permitted to solicit other employees during work time or in work areas at any time. Employees are also prohibited from distributing non-university literature during work time or in work areas at any time. This includes use of the email system. Solicitation or distribution of literature on 藏精阁’s premises by persons who are not employed by or are not students of 藏精阁 is prohibited at all times.

Work time is defined as the time assigned for the performance of a job and does not apply to break periods and meal times. “Solicitation” includes selling items or services, requesting contributions, and soliciting or seeking to obtain membership in support in or support for any organization.  Solicitation can occur through oral, written or electronic means.  “Distribution” refers to handing out materials, supplies, brochures, etc., not related to 藏精阁’s business.


System-wide fundraising projects must be approved in advance by the Development Office at (636) 949-4939. All fundraisers must be documented through the use of the Solicitation Approval Form, which can be found in Useful Links/Workday.

Gifts, Prizes, and Awards

Non-cash gifts, prizes, or awards worth $100 or less may be purchased with the approval of a supervisor and given to employees or students on an occasional basis.  Examples of non-cash gifts or awards include

Exceptions to this policy could result in reporting requirements to the IRS. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Vice President of Fiscal Affairs.