
藏精阁 is committed to ensuring compliance with all applicable software copyright laws.


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and individuals employed by 藏精阁 that utilize the institution’s equipment, network, or systems.


As a part of its compliance with federal copyright law, 藏精阁 employs a procedure to respond to bona fide notices of copyright violation by copyright holders. This procedure operates as follows:

The Digital Millennium Copyright Agent for the university requests that the 藏精阁 IT Network and Systems Infrastructure team block the Internet Protocol (IP) address alleged to be in violation of federal law and provide the agent with the identity of the user or party responsible for the computer (responsible party). The agent then notifies the user or responsible party of the notice and requests a cease-and-desist statement. Upon receipt of that statement, the agent requests that the 藏精阁 IT Network and Systems Infrastructure team unblock the IP address.

Because intentional file sharing of material for which the user does not have the copyright holder’s permission is a violation of the University policy, the user shall report to the VP-HR office for disciplinary processing. These procedures help to protect the user against copyright holders going through legal processes to obtain the identity of the user.

In the case where the copyright notice is the result of a computer compromise (electronic activities that cause damage to a computer) or  hacking, and not the intentional activity of file sharing on the part of the computer’s user, the agent shall instruct the user to fix the computer or to make an appointment with the 藏精阁 Information Technology Help Desk (helpdesk@lindenwood.edu) to have it fixed. The agent will request the block be lifted upon receipt of information that the machine has been repaired.