Roommate Agreement

Each resident will sign an agreement outlining their responsibilities acknowledging understanding of the written policy and approving visitation in their residence (signed by each resident). Any student who lives in the residence may choose to object to their roommate(s) receiving visitors for any reason. The student who objects to visitation must register the objection with their area coordinator in writing. The area coordinator will keep the petition on file and inform the roommate of the objection.

A student may request a new housing location if they’re not in agreement with the Roommate Agreement. If alternative accommodations are available, a change will be made.

Visitation begins on the first day of the semester; however, a residence is not eligible for visitation until all roommates have signed the Roommate Agreement and submitted it to the area coordinator and the area coordinator verifies the agreement is complete.

Visitation Policy

Residents are responsible for their guest(s) and their behavior. Overnight guests may not stay for a period longer than three consecutive days without specific permission from the Director of Residential Life and a maximum of 10 nights (total) for the semester, with approval from all roommates. Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted within the residence without specific permission from the Director of Residential Life. Residential Life reserves the right to restrict students’ guest privileges at its discretion should individual issues emerge.

University housing reserves the right to request overnight guests to be registered with the Office of Residential Life and Public Safety. Residents are responsible for both their non ²Ø¾«¸ó guest(s) and their commuter guest(s) regardless of the amount of time the guest is visiting. This means that the resident must inform their guest of all Residential Life and ²Ø¾«¸ó policies and if the guest does not abide by them the resident may be held responsible for the guest’s actions. The guest may not be left unaccompanied; the host must always be present. In addition, if a guest violates policy, they may be banned from campus residential spaces and/or ²Ø¾«¸ó. Commuters found in violation/present during university policies being broken will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

The following will be considered violations of the visitation policy:

Failure to follow the visitation policy can result in disciplinary action for the resident involved in breaking the policy.

Violation of the Visitation Policy Only

  1. First offense - The entire residence (house or residential hall room) will lose visitation privileges for 30 days and be issued a first notice.
  2. Second offense - The entire residence (house or residential hall room) will lose visitation privileges for the entire semester and will be placed on social probation.
  3. Third offense - The resident and visitor may be evicted if it is a third offense for each.

Violation of the Visitation Policy Including Alcohol

  1. First offense - The entire residence (house or residential hall room) may lose visitation privileges for the semester. If under-age visitors were present, then we reserve the right to contact the local police authorities. Subject to community service hours as directed by Residential Life.
  2. Second offense - The resident(s) who are responsible will be placed on social probation, required to complete an online alcohol course, and referred for counseling.
  3. Third Offense - Additional sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university may be levied.

Violation of the Visitation Policy Including Illegal Substances

  1. First offense - The entire residence (house or residential hall room) will lose visitation privileges for the semester and will be required to take a drug test. The local police will be notified.
  2. Second offense - The responsible resident, as well any individual who previously tested positive for illegal drugs, will be dismissed from the university.