
This policy outlines and defines the various employee types and flexible working designations at the University.


This policy applies to all faculty and staff employed by the University.


Each employee is assigned to one of the following employment classifications:

  1. Faculty
    • Full-Time Twelve-Month Faculty
      • Employees in this category are scheduled to work 12 months per year and carry the equivalent of a full-time teaching load (4-4-2 or 30 total credit hours). Full-time employees are eligible for all benefits after eligibility waiting periods are met.
    • Full-Time Nine-Month Faculty
      • Employees in this category are scheduled to work nine months per year and carry the equivalent of a full-time teaching load (4-4 or 24 total credit hours). Full-time nine-month faculty are eligible for all benefits afforded Full-Time 12 Month Faculty (after eligibility waiting periods are met) with the exception of paid vacation and holidays.
    • Full-Time Ten-Month Faculty
      • New 10-month contracts are not being offered to incoming faculty or current faculty with nine- or twelve-month contracts. However, faculty currently holding a 10-month full-time contract work nine months per year and carry the equivalent of a full-time teaching load (4-4 or 24 total credit hours). Ten-month faculty also arrange with their deans 20 days of work during the summer months. Full-time 10-month faculty are eligible for all benefits afforded full-time 12-month faculty (after eligibility waiting periods are met) with the exception of paid vacation and holidays.
    • Part-Time Faculty
      • Employees in this category are scheduled to work less than 28 hours per week. Employees in this category are not eligible for benefits, unless otherwise designated.
  2. Staff
    • Full-Time Twelve-Month Staff
      • Employees in this category are employed-at-will and scheduled to work full-time of 40 hours per week, 12 months per year, and are eligible for benefits after eligibility waiting periods are met.
    • Full-Time Ten-Month Staff
      • Employees in this category are employed-at-will and scheduled to work full-time of 40 hours per week, from August 1 – May 31 of each year. These employees are eligible for all benefits afforded to full-time 12-month staff, but follow a different vacation policy.
  3. Temporary Employees
    • Temporary employees are employed-at-will and hold positions for a limited period of time, usually six months or less. These positions can be either part-time or full-time. The work assignment is based upon predetermined beginning and end dates. Those employed at a full-time status are afforded some, but not all, benefits.
  4. Student Employees
    • Student employees are employed-at-will and hold positions on campus that have predetermined beginning and end dates with certain limitations on the number of hours worked. These employees must also be actively enrolled in courses and be in good standing with the university.
  5. Essential Workers
    • As determined by the Vice Presidents, essential workers are employees designated to report to work when the campus is closed due to inclement weather or during emergency situations, unless otherwise notified. Essential workers include staff employed in the following departments: Public Safety, maintenance, custodial services, grounds, emergency management, mail services, project management, facilities, procurements, and food services. 

Work Schedules

²Ø¾«¸ó is committed to supporting employees and appreciates and respects work-life balance. Accordingly, full-time staff employees are expected to perform their job duties during the course of a 40-hour work week and will have their schedules set by their supervisors. The University employs many different types of employees, and the days and hours of working schedules vary depending on the nature and requirements of each job. In all situations, it is the responsibility of the manager/supervisor to set and clearly communicate working schedules to employees. Employees are not permitted to develop their own working schedules unilaterally.

When situations arise where job duties are scheduled to be performed outside of normally scheduled working hours, supervisors are permitted to implement a flexible schedule for these employees during the same 40-hour week (Monday-Sunday), to account for the completion of the job duties and compensable time outside of their normally scheduled working hours. For example, an employee normally scheduled for 40 hours of work between Monday – Friday, may need to work 4 hours on a Saturday. In this scenario, it is permissible for the employee to work 4 hours less during their normally scheduled 40 hours Monday – Friday to account for the 4 additional hours they work Saturday.

Supervisors nor employees are permitted to “accumulate,” “store,” or “bank” hours outside of the paid time off accrued. Flexible scheduling should never account for more time than the employee is scheduled to work or has already completed. In the event that extra hours are needed for exempt employees and flexible scheduling isn’t feasible, the supervisor needs to communicate the expectations to the employees in advance.  

Flexible scheduling should be differentiated from attending occasional University events outside the regular scheduled working hours where no job duties are being performed. These events are typically not considered compensable time when employees are not working or performing their job duties.

In all situations, non-exempt employees must always log and report all hours worked and shall be paid at least time and a half of their respective compensation for hours worked over 40 in a given workweek.

Ongoing, Flexible Work Designations

All Faculty and Staff positions are designated as either (1) fully on-ground; (2) non-standard flex, (3) standard flex, or (4) remote. Providing flexible scheduling does not change the terms and conditions of employment. It is at the discretion of the administrator/supervisor of each position to evaluate and approve a flexible schedule and/or alternative work location that best serves the University’s needs, including as it may relate to performance or disciplinary issues. Remote work for purposes of providing ongoing childcare or other attendant care needs is not included in the standard and non-standard flex protocols. Non-standard flex provides administrators/supervisors and employees flexibility for non-routine circumstances which may include but are not limited to: employee and/or dependent is not feeling well but the employee can still perform all work related duties, employee has a contractor scheduled to come to the house to complete work, or to reduce workplace distractions for an employee needing to complete an important and temporary task or project.

Position specific work designations are defined as:

  1. Fully On-Ground
    • On-campus presence is required and necessary to perform and meet position expectations at an effective level. This designation applies to all essential personnel.
  2. Non-Standard Flex
    • On-campus presence is required and necessary to perform and meet position expectation at an effective level. Flexibility for remote work for non-routine, situational, and unusual circumstances can be provided at the administrator’s/supervisor’s discretion.
  3. Standard Flex
    • On-campus presence is required but some duties and responsibilities can be performed remotely at an effective level. Administrators/supervisors may provide routine flexible remote work scheduling.
  4. Fully Remote
    • Consistent on-campus presence is not necessary to meet the expectations of the position at an effective level. Occasional campus presence may still be required as directed by the administrator/supervisor. It is the employee’s responsibility and at their own cost to travel to campus when required.

Administrative and supervisory positions should have the same designation for the teams they supervise. If the team is fully remote, the administrator/supervisor can also be fully remote. If the team is fully on-ground, then the supervisor is expected to also be on-ground. For teams that maintain a standard flexible schedule, administrators can flex to the same level as their teams, but not more.

Occasionally, needs arise within the University that require a review of the position’s current work designation. In these cases, the Vice President/Dean must work with Human Resources to review the position to determine if a work designation change is warranted. When the request to change the position designation represents a significant change to the current practice, Human Resources may request a written proposal to be shared with the President.

Work Expectations for Standard Flex and Non-Standard Flex Employees

Employees working in positions that are designated as standard flex and non-standard flex are responsible for meeting all position expectations in addition to adhering to the following.

When working remotely employees are expected to: