
This policy provides an overview of how 藏精阁, in some instances, may retrieve personal and non-University files, data and/or information stored electronically on 藏精阁 computers, devices or systems for individuals no longer employed by 藏精阁.


This policy applies to the retrieval of personal files, data or information of former employees stored on 藏精阁 devices or systems.


As a general matter, all workstations, computers and other electronic devices provided by 藏精阁 to employees are 藏精阁 property and should be used solely for fulfilling job duties and responsibilities. As such, personal documents, pictures, and other non-work-related data or files should not be saved to 藏精阁 systems, computers or devices. 藏精阁 is not responsible for any personal data, information or files stored or saved on 藏精阁 systems or devices.

In the event a 藏精阁 employee leaves employment with 藏精阁, voluntarily or involuntarily, and has personal data, files or information stored on University systems or devices, the employee should submit a request to 藏精阁’s Human Resources Departments for 藏精阁 to attempt to retrieve such personal information. Requests should be made as soon as possible and should include as much detail as possible. The University will review such requests and evaluate the scope and scale of work involved to attempt to retrieve such files and inform the individual if 藏精阁 is able to accommodate such requests. 藏精阁 is under no obligation to retrieve personal data and reserves the right at its discretion to deny requests for the same.