
As an institution of higher education, 藏精阁 supports free speech and encourages open dialogue amongst students and employees of the University.

While on campus, students and employees are expected to conduct themselves reasonably and responsibly in respect to the educational function and goals of 藏精阁, and in alignment with the rights of fellow students and employees.

The University will allow approved peaceful demonstrations to support free speech. 藏精阁 does not tolerate hate speech, defined as “public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation” (Cambridge Dictionary). All activities must not interfere with the normal operation of the University and organizers will be directed to spaces and expectations to follow during the demonstration. Scope


Process - Request to Demonstrate

藏精阁 students and/or employees must follow these guidelines in the planning and conduct of demonstrations.

Demonstration Requests Not Approved

In the event a demonstration request is not approved, the Organizer may choose to take the following actions.

General Demonstration Expectations

Procedures for University Response During Demonstrations

In the event an approved demonstration impedes normal operations or poses a safety risk, the university official responsible for the specific location of the demonstration will contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and the Department of Public Safety and Security. Together, these individuals will determine if normal operations of the location are disrupted or if the demonstration poses a risk. Local law enforcement may be called if there is a safety risk at any time.

The Organizer is the primary point of contact for the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and the Department of Public Safety and Security for all matters related to the approved demonstration.

Unapproved Demonstrations

Demonstrations that have not been approved through the University’s review process are not allowed. Unsanctioned demonstration participants and Organizers may be subject to action through the Student Conduct or Employee Disciplinary Process.

藏精阁 reserves the right to approve or decline any peaceful demonstration request regardless of adherence to established policies, including for what it reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the University and University community.