Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of prohibited conduct. The standard of proof in determining whether a student or organization(s) has violated the Code is the preponderance of the evidence:

  1. Falsification, forgery, unauthorized alteration or misuse of university documents, records, keys, locking mechanisms, security measures, or student identification.
  2. Disruption, obstruction or material interference with the process of instruction, research, or administration or any other service or activity provided or sponsored by the university.
  3. Lying, furnishing false information, withholding of information or misrepresentation to any university office or faculty, staff or administrator, whether oral, written or electronic.
  4. Damage, destruction, theft, or misuse of property belonging to the university, or a member or guest of the university.
  5. Unauthorized entry, use, or abuse of university owned or controlled property, facilities, equipment or resources (e.g. telephone equipment, computer access lines, mail services, telecommunication resources, etc.).
  6. Physical or verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, or other conduct that threatens or endangers any person or causes reasonable apprehension of such harm. This includes the use of e-mail, social media, or other technological means of communication, and /or intentional use of objects to inflict personal harm.
  7. Aiding and abetting another in a violation of the Community Standards is prohibited.
  8. Lewd or indecent conduct is prohibited.
  9. Violation of Sexual Misconduct including, but not limited to Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, Sexual Harassment, and Stalking/Cyberstalking (for complete policy and procedures see Sexual Misconduct Policy).
    1. Sexual or gender-based harassment: any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other unwelcome verbal, physical, or other conduct of a sexual or gender-based nature when the condition outlined is below is present.
      1. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment, evaluation of academic work, or participation in programs or activities or is used as the basis for decisions affecting the individual; or
      2. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile environment. A “hostile environment” exists when the conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with, limits, or deprives an individual from participating in or benefiting from the university’s employment, academic or social environment. In evaluating whether a hostile environment exists, the university will consider the totality of known circumstances.
    2. The effect will be evaluated based on the perspective of a reasonable person (objective perspective) and circumstances in the position of a claimant (subjective perspective).
    3. The more severe the conduct, the less need there is to show a repetitive series of incidents to prove a hostile environment, particularly if the harassment is physical. A single or isolated incident of sexual or gender-based harassment may create a hostile environment.
    4. Sexual or gender-based stalking, including cyberstalking: a pattern of behavior directed at an individual by an individual or group to make unwelcome contact with another person in an unsolicited fashion that would cause a reasonable person to feel harassed.
    5. Interpersonal violence, dating and domestic partner violence: harm or threat of harm by a current or former partner or spouse, or a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature.
    6. Sexual exploitation: taking non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another person for one’s own or another’s advantage or benefit.
    7. Nonconsensual sexual contact or attempt: any intentional sexual contact that occurs without consent or capacity to give consent or by use of force. Sexual contact includes contact with or touching of a person’s intimate parts (including genitalia, groin, breast, or buttocks, or clothing covering any of those areas), or using force to cause a person to touch their own or another person’s intimate parts.
    8. Nonconsensual sexual intercourse or attempt: penetration of the vagina or anus with any object or body part, or oral copulation (mouth to genital contact or genital to mouth contact) without consent or capacity to give consent or by use of force.
    9. Retaliation: any adverse action taken against a person making a complaint of sexual misconduct, cooperating in an investigation or hearing of alleged sexual misconduct, or against any individual perceived to be involved in reporting, in an investigation, or hearing of sexual misconduct. Retaliation includes but is not limited to, confirmed or implied behaviors or actions (including electronic or on-line activity) which intimidate, threaten, or harass, or result in other adverse actions threatened or taken. An individual reporting sexual misconduct is entitled to protection from any form of retaliation following a report that is made in good faith, even if the report is later not substantiated based on the available evidence. Retaliation does not include good faith actions lawfully pursued in response to a report of prohibited conduct.
  10. Harassment: behavior that is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it interferes with or limits a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the university’s educational or employment opportunities, programs or activities; includes harassment on the basis of sex, race, color, cultural background, national origin, religion, political creed, marital status, veteran status, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, disability, or age.
    1. Bullying including cyberbullying, a form of harassment, is abusive treatment (may be verbal, physical, written, or otherwise), the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when patterned and involving an imbalance of power (real or perceived); or
    2. Stalking including cyberstalking, a form of harassment, refers to repeated harassing or threatening behavior by an individual using various forms of contact to pursue, harass, or to make unwelcomed contact with another person in an unsolicited fashion. Any unwanted contact between two people that directly or indirectly communicates a threat or places the recipient of the contact or a third party, such asa roommate or friend, in fear, can be considered stalking.
  11. Possession, use, or threatened use of fireworks, firearms, archery equipment, knives ammunition, explosives, or use of any objects that might be consider a weapon (includes but not limited to snowballs, water balloons, paint pellet guns, soft pellet pistols, or decorative swords)on university property or at university-sponsored activities and this includes virtual events/classes (see: Firearms/Weapons Policy) are prohibited.
  12. Illegally possessing, using, distributing, manufacturing or selling drugs or controlled substances including but not limited to used drug paraphernalia or prescription drugs; being present or remaining in an area where illegal drugs or controlled substances are being consumed or used.
  13. Marijuana and Cannabidiol (CBD) in all forms is prohibited. The prohibition applies to all university owned or controlled/leased facilities, property, and vehicles where serves are carried out or offered.
  14. Alcohol beverages are prohibited on-campus, and at any athletic event on or off campus, unless authorized to participate in the University’s Alcohol Program. Present local, state, and federal law makes any person subject to arrest any person younger than 21 years of age who consumes and/or possess alcoholic beverages or supplies alcohol to a person younger than 21. (University Alcohol Policy).
  15. Disruptive behavior (including disorderliness resulting from intoxication), unreasonable noise or behavior which results in material inconvenience, annoyance or alarm. Disruptive behavior includes using electronic or other means to make a video, audio, or photographic record of any person in a location where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy without the person’s prior knowledge or permission in each instance, when such a recording is likely to cause injury, distress, or damage to reputation. The storing, sharing, or distributing of such unauthorized records by any means is also prohibited. (Faculty members have the right to control the classroom environment and to permit or deny permission to do electronic video or audio recording at their discretion).
  16. Hazing: any conduct that subjects another person to humiliation, degradation, abuse, intimidation, harassment, or endangerment of mental or physical health or safety as a condition of association with a group, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate. Acts of hazing by groups, individuals, or alumni are prohibited. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing is not a neutral act but a violation of the hazing policy.(For complete policy and procedures see: Hazing – Policy and Procedures for Students.)
  17. Violation of fire safety policies or procedures: as any misuse or tampering of fire safety equipment or engaging in behavior which constitutes a fire safety hazard and may result in a fine/fee.
  18. Failure to comply with directions of university officials acting in performance of their duties, or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.
  19. Failure to comply with the terms of any agreement or sanction imposed in accordance with the Code of Community Standards.
  20. Failure to abide by any published university policy or procedure, applicable local, state, or federal laws including, but not limited to, housing policies, contracts, and leases, computer lab polices, information technology policies, parking regulations, and academic policies, etc.
  21. Failure to abide by any published university policy or procedure, applicable local, state, or federal laws, as it relates to violating the ²Ø¾«¸ó Agreement. This includes but is not limited to wearing masks or inappropriate mask placement, guest policy, physical distancing, room capacity, quarantine or isolation violations, or any other action that may put an individual or the community at risk.
  22. It is prohibited to fly of unmanned aerial aircraft (drones) and model aircraft on ²Ø¾«¸ó-owned and operated property without the proper authorization from administration.
  23. Students are prohibited from internet gambling and other forms of gambling conducted on any university-owned and operated property.
  24. Academic Integrity is the foundation of any educational institution. As part of this educational institution, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the university’s policies on academic standards in the ²Ø¾«¸ó Student Handbook and academic catalog and to always adhere to these policies. Students are encouraged to consult the resources available on campus in the university library, the Writing Center, and the Academic Success Center for assistance with compliance with academic standards.