
This policy outlines the expectation guidelines for student attendance.


This policy applies to all students.


All students at 藏精阁 are expected to attend all classes and all class activities for which they have enrolled. Students who miss class are expected to inform the instructor and to make up the work to the instructor’s satisfaction.

At times, absence from class may be unavoidable—as in instances of prolonged illness, hospitalization, mandatory religious practices, or participation in an approved student activity. (For information regarding absence due to university-sponsored activity, see the Excused Absence Policy for Students Engaged in LU Authorized Events.) A student who has been hospitalized should submit official doctor's or hospital documentation to the accessibility manager located in the Library and Academic Resources Center, suite 346. Written verification of religious observances may be required.

In the case of unsatisfactory work due to excessive absences from class, the instructor may give ample warning to the student that the work is unsatisfactory and may report a final grade of F or AF to the registrar.

Note: Persons receiving benefits from the Veterans Administration are governed by special regulations concerning class attendance See Veterans’ Benefits, appearing earlier in this catalog.

藏精阁 allows students participating in required military duties to be excused from class. Military duties covered under this policy include but are not limited to military deployment, required annual military training, ROTC activities and civilian deployments in support of federal operations. For service members holding Reserve and National Guard status, weekend duty (drill) requirements should not interfere with normal school schedules. However, if a situation arises that requires absence from class due to duty/drill requirements, this absence can also be excused if the required absence is verified by the commanding officer or other affiliated Guard leader.

Students should notify instructors of all absences for military duty prior to the absence. Instructors may request documentation/verification of the military duty and require that the absence be verified by the Office of Veteran Affairs. If an exigent circumstance arises, where notification is not possible prior to the absence, the student should contact the instructor and/or university as soon as possible to present documentation of the reason for the absence as well as the reason for late notification. When make-up work is pertinent, students who have provided their professors with notice should be afforded the opportunity to complete assigned work. Alternatively, students can be assigned an educationally equivalent substitutable activity at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor.

No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student with excused absences for official university activities or military duties.

Note: Students enrolled in classes with extremely compressed meeting schedules will not be excused from class attendance if participation in the activity would cause the student to miss a significant portion of the scheduled meeting time. Students who enroll in such a class and find that they must be absent will be advised to withdraw from the class.

藏精阁 allows students engaged in official sports contests, arts events, approved field trips, approved conferences, etc., to be excused from class for university-sponsored events in which those students are officially representing the university. Students are required to communicate personally with their professors regarding their anticipated absences and to arrange for missed work in advance of their university-authorized absences. When make-up work is pertinent, students who have provided their professors with advance notice should be afforded the opportunity to complete that work or an educationally equivalent and substitutable activity at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor.

Note: Students enrolled in classes with extremely compressed meeting schedules will not be excused from class attendance, even for a university-authorized event if participation in the event would cause the student to miss a significant portion of the scheduled meeting time. Students who enroll in such a class and find that they must be absent will be advised to withdraw from the class.

All members of the 藏精阁 community have responsibilities to ensure that the Excused Absence Policy functions properly and efficiently for students, staff, and faculty. Below are the responsibilities of each party affected by or involved with the Excused Absence Policy:

Athletics Department

The 藏精阁 Athletics Department will provide notice of any upcoming student-athlete absence for a sporting event or related, excused sports activity. The notice will be sent through LindenCircle. This notice is to inform faculty that the student-athlete is representing the university in an athletics event or function. It is the responsibility of the student-athletes to remind professors of their absence at least 48 hours in advance and to arrange for any missed work. Exceptions to the 48 hour rule should be noted in the LindenCircle excuse form and include last-minute travel roster substitutions, changes in schedule due to inclement weather, and/or qualifying competition.

Academic Departments

A faculty member or academic department sponsoring a special co-curricular event or outing should first complete a field trip form and submit it to the office of the provost for approval. This form should list the name of each student attending the outing, along with a sponsor signature, confirming that all students who will be traveling have signed a travel waiver. Once the outing is approved, the sponsor must provide at least 48-hours’ advance written notice to the university community by sending the list of names of all students who will be absent to the 藏精阁 Digest. If a situation arises in which 48-hours’ notice is not possible, the sponsoring professor or department should notify the faculty of changes or additions to the list of excused students as soon as possible.


Professors affected by excused student absences should make reasonable accommodations for excused students who are missing class or other academic activities because of their participation in an event or other function related to their participation in a scheduled, university-authorized co-curricular event. Professors should, in advance of any such excused absences, stipulate in writing in the course syllabus their expectations of and procedures for students who must miss class for authorized reasons. Each professor’s expectations and procedures should meet the parameters outlined in this Excused Absence Policy and should be reviewed with all students during the first week of class.


Students who must miss class for a 藏精阁 sporting event or other 藏精阁-authorized activity must, in person or via email, provide advance notice to all professors whose classes they will miss with specific details of their upcoming absence. If possible, this notice should be provided at least 72 hours in advance of the affected class meetings. If 72-hours’ notice is not possible, the student should notify professors as soon as possible. This personal notice shall be given in addition to the general notice provided by the 藏精阁 Athletics Department or academic department sponsoring the event. In each case, the student is also expected to prepare thoroughly for and promptly engage in any substitute or make-up assignment or activity.

Please direct any questions about this policy to the Office of the Registrar.