藏精阁 is committed to promoting the health and safety of its campus community through implementation of a dry campus policy. The university enforces compliance with local and state alcoholic beverage laws on campus and at university-sponsored activities.

The university affirms its adherence to the following principles:

  1. The misuse and/or abuse of alcoholic beverages and related behavior, such as disorderly conduct, illness due to excessive consumption of alcohol, and destruction of property pose a danger to individual members of the university community and to the larger community.
  2. The promotion of alcoholic beverage consumption as the primary focus of on- and off-campus activities is inappropriate because it invites members of the university community to violate university regulations and Missouri law.
  3. Consumption of alcoholic beverages should only be by persons of legal age and by personal choice and is prohibited on campus.
  4. Those who choose to consume alcoholic beverages should do so responsibly and in moderation off campus.
  5. Consumption of alcoholic beverages should not be the main focus of an event or the only means of refreshment at an event that is off campus.
  6. The responsibility for proper consumption of alcoholic beverages and for compliance with Missouri laws rests with each individual member of the university community.
  7. The university promotes Arrive Alive for the students who consume alcohol off campus to call a cab or other means of transportation to get back to campus.

The university's penalties for possession or distribution of controlled substances by students on university premises or at institutionally sponsored activities off campus, is contained in the 藏精阁 Student Handbook.

In addition, 藏精阁 is in compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. Each year, 藏精阁 renews its commitment to the letter and spirit of that law with an informational letter to students and employees, which can be accessed through on the Student Right to Know page.

The university does not condone violations of those laws proscribing possession, use, or sale of alcoholic beverages and possession, use, sale, manufacture, or distribution of illegal drugs. Members of the 藏精阁 community should know that law enforcement and administrative action, which may include eviction from the residence halls, revocation of other privileges, or suspension or expulsion from the university, may be taken in order to protect the interests of the university and the rights and safety of others. The abuse of alcohol and drugs can have a dramatic impact on one’s professional, academic, and family life. The university, therefore, encourages members of the community who may be experiencing difficulty with drugs or alcohol to seek help:



Present state laws make liable to arrest and prosecution any person under 21 years of age who consumes and/or possesses alcoholic beverages or supplies such beverages to persons under the age of 21. University trustees and administrators have further instructed that alcohol be prohibited on campus and during the engagement of any official business, activity, or function, unless registered and approved to participate in the Alcohol Program. The National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) and the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association Conference, with which the university affiliates, have policies prohibiting alcoholic beverages at any athletic event on or off campus. On the campus, university officials will not seek out abuses of this policy by indiscriminate entry into student rooms. However, any problems brought to the attention of university authorities will result in disciplinary action.

Possession, Use, and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages

The use, sale, delivery, possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages in or on any property owned or controlled by the university is strictly prohibited except as specifically stated in university policy. The university enforces all city, state, and federal laws pertaining to the illegal use of alcoholic beverages, particularly the laws that prohibit the sale to or possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21. It is also a violation of university policy to possess alcohol in any area of campus, even if the person in possession is of legal age. Any groups or persons violating the alcohol/substance policies or laws may be subject to arrest by the St. Charles Police Department and/or disciplinary sanctions by the university.

Possession, Use, and Sale of Illegal Drugs

The use, possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under state and federal laws. Such laws are strictly enforced by the university. Violators are subject to arrest by the St. Charles Police Department and/or disciplinary sanctions by the university. Please refer to the 藏精阁 Alcohol and Controlled Substances Policy listed in this document for further information.

Controlled Substances In accordance and cooperation with local, state, and federal agencies, the university prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and related paraphernalia on university property or as part of any university activity. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, narcotics, steroids, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis, and any prescription drug, except when used in accordance with instructions from a proper medical authority. Students receiving federal financial assistance are required to sign pledges in that regard, and they risk the cancellation of federal financial aid if they are found to be in violation of the controlled substances policy. Violations will also result in disciplinary action by the university and may result in immediate dismissal from the university.


Possessing, using, or selling marijuana in any form is prohibited on campus and at any university-sanctioned function/event. While Missouri law may allow certain marijuana-related activities, the possession and use of marijuana is still prohibited under federal law; therefore, it is prohibited by 藏精阁 and the Student Code of Conduct. The Drug-Free Workplace Act and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act requires the university to prohibit the use of marijuana on campus.

For more information about alcohol and other drugs, the follow resources are recommended.