This policy applies to all computers that connect to the 藏精阁 network, whether they are student, faculty, staff, or University owned. At its discretion, the University reserves the right to restrict or deny the use of its network facilities and capabilities.

藏精阁 Network and Technology Resources

The 藏精阁-Guest network is an UNSECURED network and 藏精阁 makes no representations or warranties concerning the availability or security of the guest wireless network, and all use is provided on an as-is basis. By using the guest wireless network you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless 藏精阁 for any losses or damages that may result from your use of the guest wireless network.

Individuals who access to University computer facilities and to the campus-wide communications network assume responsibility for their appropriate use. The University expects individuals to be careful, honest, responsible, and civil in the use of the University network, computers and information technology. Computer, technology and network facilities are primarily for educational and administrative use. These facilities have tangible value. Attempts to circumvent accounting/information systems or to use the accounts of others will be treated as forms of attempted theft and prosecuted accordingly.

Individuals must not attempt to damage or degrade the performance of 藏精阁's computers and/or network and must not disrupt the work of other users. Individuals must not attempt to circumvent security systems or to exploit/probe for security holes in any 藏精阁 network or system. In addition, individuals must not attempt any such activity against other public or private systems accessed through 藏精阁's facilities.

Individuals assume personal responsibility for the use of their accounts. User's must not disclose their passwords or otherwise make 藏精阁's facilities available to unauthorized individuals or groups. Moreover the possession or collection of others passwords is prohibited.

Physical theft, rearrangement, or damage to any University computer, technology, network equipment, facilities, or property is strictly prohibited, and will be prosecuted according to applicable laws and enforcement methods. This includes all public computer labs, network equipment, wiring and links.

Users with personal computers on the 藏精阁 network are expected to take reasonable precautions to ensure the security of their systems. All computers require a valid, up-to-date virus-scanning program. Individuals may be held responsible for any misuse that occur on their systems.

Users are not permitted to register external domain names that reference systems on the 藏精阁 network. Using the 藏精阁 network for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Connecting any secondary physical network to the 藏精阁 network without authorization is strictly prohibited.

Providing services or running applications that consume excessive bandwidth on the 藏精阁 network is prohibited.

Creating forwarding rules from 藏精阁 email addresses to personal email accounts is prohibited for users.

No 藏精阁 system is to be used for any illegal or criminal purpose. Users must observe intellectual property rights including in particular copyright laws as they apply to software and electronic forms of information.

Users are expected to report any evidence of actual suspected violation of this policy to their Residence Director or the Vice President for Information Technology.

File Sharing

File Sharing Software Is Prohibited on the 藏精阁 Network.

File Sharing software including (but not limited to),

are prohibited on the 藏精阁 network (including residence halls, apartments, classrooms, public spaces, and faculty/staff offices).

Because the 藏精阁 network and Internet connections are shared by many university services (the University Library, 藏精阁 website, Electronic Mail, etc.), the 藏精阁 Information Technology departments actively monitors network traffic to ensure reliable service for everyone. File sharing software can account for a large portion of traffic on our network. As such, network traffic shaping may be used to address instances of misuse or policy violation.

Streaming media (such as streaming video, streaming audio programs, etc.) are permitted as they use significantly less bandwidth. However, during peak hours, any bandwidth-intensive application may be terminated to ensure continued services to the rest of the university.

If you have file sharing applications on your computer, you must remove them. Simply disabling these applications may not mitigate their effect on the 藏精阁 network as these applications share your computer with the entire Internet in the background, generating an enormous amount of traffic. If you have any questions, please contact the Information Technology Help Desk at x5100.

Copyright Compliance

As a part of its compliance with federal copyright law, 藏精阁 deploys a procedure to respond to bona fide notices of copyright violation by copyright holders. This procedure operates as follows:

The Digital Millennium Copyright Agent for the university requests that the Network Operations Center block the Internet Protocol (IP) address alleged by the notice to be in violation of federal law and provide the agent with the identity of the user or party responsible for the computer (responsible party).

The agent then notifies the user or responsible party of the notice and requests a cease and desist statement.

Upon receipt of that statement, the agent then requests that the Network Operations Center unblock the IP address.

Because intentional file sharing of material for which the user does not have the copyright holder's permission is a violation of the University policy, the user shall be reported to the Provosts Office for disciplinary processing.

In the case where the copyright notice is the result of a computer compromise (electronic activities that cause damage to a computer), or a "hacking," and not the intentional activity of file sharing on the part of the computers user, the agent shall instruct the user to fix the computer or to make an appointment with the Helpdesk (helpdesk@藏精阁.edu) to have it fixed. The agent will request the block be lifted upon receipt of information that the machine has been repaired.

Obscene or Harassing Electronic Communications

Obscene or harassing electronic communication is prohibited, as are messages that target individuals in a threatening manner. Individuals who send such communications will be reported to the proper authorities. 藏精阁 Department of Information Technology reserves the right to monitor any computer activity on a 藏精阁 computer or any computer connected to the 藏精阁 network.

Policy Violation

藏精阁 Department of Information Technology reserves the right to deny system or network access on a temporary or permanent basis to anyone who violates these rules. This includes the ability to terminate processes or connections that threaten system or network security, performance or integrity. The network administrator will attempt to notify the user of any such action.