²Ø¾«¸ó Online has continued to offer a course for beginners, Introduction to eLearning, and the Learning Academy has offered guided Professional Learning Community (PLC) experiences for those ready to build on the basics called Taking Online Teaching to the Next Level for those who have mastered the basics. (If you have not had a chance to participate in the course or PLC mentioned above and/or are interested in enrolling in a course about online teaching, SUNY offers this one, which is free and self-paced.) ²Ø¾«¸ó Online is now offering Introduction to eLearning 2.0, a self-paced, professional development course for instructors new to online teaching using Canvas. The skills developed in this course are applicable to all subject areas, course levels, and modalities. To register please email ²Ø¾«¸óOnline@lindenwood.edu.
The Learning Academy also has collaborated with ²Ø¾«¸ó Online to create and curate on-demand resources for faculty to access as they engage in course design and development. Resources include templates, video tutorials, links to articles, examples, how-to guides, etc.
Faculty also have access to individual consultations with various campus support departments.
The Learning Academy continues to offer individuals consultations. Consultants can help you think through course design, provide feedback on materials, share their tips and materials, point you to resources, and more. To schedule a consultation, please contact learningacademy@lindenwood.edu.
²Ø¾«¸ó Online is available for individual consultations, as well. If you need help thinking through how to design or build your courses, learning to use Canvas functions, or identifying external technologies to enhance your course, contact lindenwoodonline@lindenwood.edu.
Accessibility Services is available to consult on issues of accessibility in any course format. For more information, please contact Janet Owens.
The ²Ø¾«¸ó Library can support faculty designing and delivering courses in all formats in a number of ways. Interested in finding Open Education Resources for your course? Need help with making your readings available to students? Looking to integrate research resources for your students in your course? View this video to learn and contact a librarian to learn more.
The Writing Center offers faculty and students many resources to assist with the successful design and implementation of writing assignments.
The on-demand resources provided to support you as you develop your online and hybrid courses, are organized by the three basic steps to effective teaching:
If there is a topic that you wish to explore that is not covered in the information provided, please feel free to contact the Learning Academy.