St. Charles / St. Louis - Advertising and Public Relations Degree Program

Bachelor of Arts (BA) offered in On-campus formats.

*On-campus format will require some online classes for degree completion.

The Mission

²Ø¾«¸ó’s Advertising and Public Relations Program offering on-ground near St. Louis, MO is committed to providing an industry-focused curriculum. Our students learn to communicate across various media to gain industry knowledge through practical hands on application, real-life projects, and professional events.

The Vision

We create strategic team players and leaders in the advertising and public relations industry.

Advertising and Public Relations Course Requirements

APR - Four-Year Plan

Advertising Minor

"The only constant is change.” This statement is especially true because consumer tastes are constantly changing as well as the media those consumers use to interact with products and services. We are exposed to up to 5,000 ads per day on personal computers, on our telephones, at the gas pumps, in movie theaters, on wrapped cars, in bathroom stalls, on stickers placed on fruit, and during sporting events. Like advertising, public relations is everywhere, as practitioners strive to gain editorial coverage for individuals and companies.

Digital media has reshaped the ad game as consumers are leaving a digital trail of their consumption of products and services. Companies risk losing customers if they are unable to tailor campaigns that reflect and resonate with the target audience. Consumers desire a dialogue with brands, and social media (tweet, video, chat, post, hashtag, blog) is an ideal tool for advertisers to converse with current and potential customers. Companies need savvy and knowledgeable people to navigate ever-changing situations. This could be you.

"Advertising is based on one thing: happiness!" Don Draper, Mad Men. What is advertising? Advertising is a paid persuasive communication that uses nonpersonal mass media as well as other forms of interactive communication to connect an identified sponsor (the brand) with a target audience. "Without promotion, something terrible happens...nothing!" P.T. Barnum, Greatest Showman. Public Relations is also a form of communication; it is telling the right thing...Public relations also includes social listening to understand what guides consumers' conversations about brands. "If you don't like what is being said, then change the conversation," Don Draper, Mad Men.

During your studies, you will be continually improve your specialized skills in research, strategy, creativity, writing and management. And sometimes, working on real clients and real brands!

Earning a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and Public Relations at ²Ø¾«¸ó

This St. Louis Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and Public Relations degree program includes courses in advertising, art and design, business, communications, digital, marketing, public relations as well as experiential opportunities, with exposure to real-world application and engagement for your future career. During your studies, you will be introduced to the topics (1000 and 2000 level classes) followed by reinforcement where you get to practice what you learned (3000 level classes) and conclude with mastery coursework which allows you to develop your own campaigns (40000 level classes).

²Ø¾«¸ó Advertising and Public Relations Faculty

You will be taught by some of the most enthusiastic St. Louis advertising and public relations practitioners. They have the educational background and real-world, professional skills in advertising, public relations, and strategic communications. They understand the ever-changing landscape of the industry and will prepare you for the next step after graduation, whether that is a career in your chosen field or continuing your education in graduate school.

Learn more about the faculty.

Earning Advertising Ethics Certification

The American Advertising Federation, in conjunction with the Institute for Advertising Ethics (IAE), has initiated a new professional certificate opportunity for advertising, public relations, and marketing communications professionals. Based on the growing and documented importance of ethics to consumers, professionals, and clients; the half-day session prepares students to understand and resolve the ethical dilemmas in the real word of advertising. 

What Can You Do With a Career in Advertising and Public Relations

Employment opportunities for graduates are in nine areas: 1) Account Services; 2) Advertising; 3) Account Strategy; 4) Content Development; 5) Content Management; 6) Design and Production; 7) Digital Media (uses digital platforms); 8) Interactive Media; and 9) Public Relations and Strategic Communications.

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You can earn prestigious industry awards!