Ongoing Policies

These standing policies are in effect for all classes at ²Ø¾«¸ó for the 2023-24 academic year.

Academic Integrity at ²Ø¾«¸ó

²Ø¾«¸ó students belong to an educational community invested in the exploration and advancement of knowledge. Academic integrity is a critical part of that investment: all students have a fair opportunity to succeed, and as such, all students owe their classmates, instructors, administrators, and themselves the duty of scholarly and creative work untainted by plagiarism, dishonesty, cheating, or other infringements of academic integrity. In turn, instructors, staff, and administrators will also uphold these policies in order to promote student intellectual development and preserve the integrity of a ²Ø¾«¸ó degree.

As part of this educational community, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the university’s policies on Academic Honesty in the ²Ø¾«¸ó Student Handbook and to adhere to these policies at all times. Students are also encouraged to consult the resources of the university library and the Writing Center for assistance in upholding the university honesty policy.

Academic Dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, and lying or deception.

  • Cheating is giving or receiving unauthorized aid on an examination, assignment, or other graded work. Regardless of where the aid comes from—e.g., cell phone, crib sheet, or another student—it qualifies as academic dishonesty.
  • Lying/Deception refers to dishonest words, actions, or omissions directed at university personnel by a student in order to improve the academic or financial standing of any student at the university.
  • Plagiarism is the fraudulent presentation of another person’s ideas or work as the student’s own, or the presentation of the student’s own previous work as new and original.
  • When a student, whether by accident or design, does not properly acknowledge sources in any academic assignment where original work is expected, that student is stealing the ideas and effort of another.

When a student, whether by accident or design, does not properly acknowledge sources in any academic assignment where original work is expected, that student is stealing the ideas and effort of another.

For all assignments completed entirely or in part out of class, the instructor reserves the right to interview the student about the work to verify authorship. A student who is unable to demonstrate a basic understanding of the submitted work will be reported for academic dishonesty and an appropriate penalty will be applied.

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

The penalty for the first reported offense of academic dishonesty will be determined by the instructor and may result in a reduced or failing grade on the work/test, failure in the course, or other appropriate penalty. Upon a first report of dishonesty, the student is also required to complete an online Academic Integrity Tutorial. A charge for the tutorial will be applied to the student’s Bursar's Office account. For undergraduate students, a second offense will result in failure of the class, and a third offense will lead to expulsion from the university. Graduate students will be expelled after a second offense is reported.

Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Assistant Provost, who maintains confidential records of academic dishonesty reports. These records are accessible only to limited personnel in the Provost's office and are not linked to the student’s academic or financial records at the university. Beginning Fall 2023, to ensure compliance with NCAA policies, information about academic integrity cases involving NCAA athletes (to include only the student name, sport, charge and brief summary) will be shared with the Assistant Athletic Director for Academic Success and Development.

Students with Disabilities

In order to receive accommodations students need to follow the appropriate process established by the Student Support and Accessibility Program. The student needs to contact the Student Support and Accessibility Program Manager, Janet Owens, at (636) 949-4768 or by e-mail at Next, the student will be asked to provide appropriate documentation with diagnosis. The program manager and student will discuss proper accommodations based on documentation. Once accommodations are decided, the program manager will send a notification form to instructors. The student and professors will then discuss how to arrange the accommodations. These records are not linked to the student’s academic or financial records at the university.

Expectation of Student Work

Student work is defined as assignments, homework, and other academic activities to be completed outside of instructional time, including reading, studying, writing, research etc. Students should expect to spend a minimum of two hours per week completing this work for each credit hour enrolled (thus 6 hours of work outside of class for a 3-hour course), although the time spent outside of class may increase based on the topic and level of the course.


All students at ²Ø¾«¸ó are expected to attend all classes and all class activities for which they have enrolled. Students who miss class are expected to inform the instructor and to make up the work to the instructor’s satisfaction. At times, absence from class may be unavoidable—as in instances of prolonged illness, hospitalization, mandatory religious practices, or participation in an approved student activity. Please see the  for further information.

Recording and Electronic Devices

During classroom instruction and testing, the use of cameras, video, audio taping devices, or any other kinds of electronic devices (including telephones, tablets, Google glasses, and Bluetooth devices) by students is allowed only after obtaining permission from the instructor; otherwise, the use of such devices is prohibited.

Electronic devices used for prosthetic or accessibility purposes may only be used after the faculty member has received a signed accommodation letter from the Accessibility Officer. Any recordings made may not be redistributed to anyone not a member of the class without the express written permission of the instructor and all student subjects of the recording.

Copyright Policy

It is the intent of ²Ø¾«¸ó that all members of the university community comply with the provisions of the United States Copyright Law. This Copyright policy serves to uphold the university’s commitment to protecting the principles of intellectual property, as well as to protect the rights of its faculty to make appropriate use of copyrighted works for acceptable educational purposes. This policy applies to all university faculty, staff, and students who wish to make use of copyrighted works, whether in print, electronic, or other form. Implicit in this policy is the “Fair Use Act” which applies across the board to uses in the traditional classroom environment and the TEACH Act which is an exception to the “Fair Use Act” for distance learning.

Students may not distribute copyrighted materials to others, either physically or electronically. This includes PowerPoints, handouts, podcasts, etc.


Course syllabi are subject to change if the instructor deems it necessary in order to accomplish the course objectives. Students will be notified in writing of all substantive changes to the course syllabus.

Video Content

Using a webcam or camera on a mobile device to record and submit video content within the secure Canvas Learning Management System is a condition of enrollment in all online, hybrid, and distance learning courses at ²Ø¾«¸ó. Instructors may also ask students enrolled in online or hybrid courses to record and post video content in a class discussion board or participate in a recorded class video conference. Students with a reasonable need or hardship that prevents or prohibits them from any of these video requirements may appeal, in writing, to their instructor, who will submit appeals for review and resolution to the Office of Student and Academic Support.

Student Authentication

²Ø¾«¸ó takes academic integrity very seriously; therefore, compliance with student authentication requirements is a condition of enrollment in all online and hybrid courses. As per the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110–315), student authentication is defined as “processes to establish that the student who registers for a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit.” The methods of student authentication incorporated into a particular course can be found in its syllabus. Examples include but are not limited to live or video proctoring, authentication technology, video assignments, video conferences, and extensive writing assignments. To facilitate authentication measures, all students in any online or hybrid course must have ready access to a webcam or camera on a mobile device. Students who enroll in online or hybrid courses must also have a current photo, confirmed by a valid form of identification, within ²Ø¾«¸ó's student information system. Students who refuse to complete initial authentication requirements by the end of the add period or who reject or refuse to complete the Ethics Agreement will be dropped from the course. Students who refuse to complete subsequent authentication requirements will be withdrawn from and charged for the course and subject to other financial consequences if the change moves them from full-time to part-time status. Authentication costs are disclosed prior to enrollment via fees included in course schedules.